Website Security Firewall and Monitoring Service

SecurityAdvisor Service:
$45.00 per month

If you don’t have a firewall on your WordPress website, you are at a high risk of getting hacked.

It has happened to me dozens of times, and when it all goes down, it has been catastrophic. It sucks up hours (or days!) of your time to get things patched up, and sometimes it is so bad that you have to rebuild your site from scratch.

How often does your site get attacked?

If you are using WordPress, probably far more frequently than you know. Without a firewall it isn’t ‘IF’, but ‘WHEN’ your site will go down. You may be one of the lucky ones who cruise along for months, or even years, without an incident. But this is not evidence that you can ignore taking reasonable measures to protect your business.

Below are a few REAL reports for just one week of one of the TYPICAL sites we monitor:

Which countries are responsible for the most attacks:

It isn’t always Russia, but in the report below you can see that country at the top, along with a wide array of other locations.

Which files have been recently modified:

This is a great report because some files should never change, particularly those in the WordPress core. This report is ideal for quickly spotting files which have been injected with malware.

Which usernames are hackers trying to use?

In the report below you’ll see that one hacker tried to use the username ‘admin’ 33 times. That username is the most frequent target of hackers. If you use ‘admin’ as a username, get rid of it now!

Exactly which IPs are attempting to break into your site?

Hackers often use proxies, meaning the IP address shown in the report does not always represent the physical location of the culprit. Nevertheless, this report can be useful in identifying the number of hackers (assuming each IP belongs to a single hacker – not always the case).

If your site has already been hacked, you probably need the help of a security specialist like sitelock. And this is probably a good time to admit that we here at the Student Marketing Agency are NOT security specialists. But, having been through a few hacking fires, we are getting better at preventing them in the first place.

Wordfence SecurityAdvisor Service

Student Marketing Agency now offers its clients security monitoring for their WordPress sites.

After we install and configure a free firewall on your site, we’ll activate a regular reporting system, allowing you to get complete visibility when someone tries to hack into your site. The installation and configuration normally take about 10 minutes at our usual low programming rate, and the monitoring and reporting thereafter are well worth it.

If you are already a client, just contact your Marketing Manager to get started, or add it to your account here:

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If you would like to become a client, you can begin this process by taking advantage of our free strategy session where you can ask a senior advisor how to improve website security and how our students can help you with your marketing.