Create 2 Views in Google Analytics:

  • RAW – raw data only (no filters). No work required here. This view will contain all the data and allow you to troubleshoot.
  • CLEAN – filter out internal IP’s, setup goals, etc. This where you need to do your configuration work. See the checklist below.

How to Setup a CLEAN Analytics view:

  1. Turn on Enhanced Attribution. Customize tracking code.
  2. Install Universal Analytics code to every page of the website (ideally via Google Tag Manager) More info found here:
  3. Setup website’s URL
  4. Setup Timezone
  5. Setup Currency
  6. Exclude hits from bots and spiders
  7. Exclude query parameters to avoid duplicate page entries in GA reports due to query parameters
  8. Set default page
  9. Setup filters:
  10. Set up goals + funnels. Each step of the funnel should be a goal of its own in order to create horizontal funnel report later on. (More Information on this can be found
  11. Setup E-commerce if relevant (More Information on this can be found here:
  12. Link AdWords account with Google Analytics
  13. Enable Remarketing
  14. Enable Demographics and Interests Reports
  15. Link Webmaster Tools with Google Analytics (if available)
  16. Set up Site Search if relevant (More Information on this can be found here:
  17. Set up Custom Dashboard (if needed/wanted, This will give you an overview of the dimensions and metrics you care about most – Steps for this can be found here:
  18. After few days review structure and fine-tune if needed
  19. Make sure you are tagging all paid traffic sources with utm tags (ideally using Google’s URL Builder Tool – Link Here:
  20. If you are using Adwords you should be using autotagging. However… 1) If you don’t want to link it to your Analytics account or, 2) if you have multiple ads with different headlines and you would like to see Analytics data on each ad, be sure to add custom UTM parameters and check the box under Property Settings – Advanced Settings – Allow Manual Tagging.
  21. If your site uses the ‘www.’ prefix (known as a subdomain), you’ll need to enable ‘multiple subdomain tracking’.
  22. If you are tracking subdomains, such as www., you’ll need to setup referral exclusions, as follows:
    • Click Admin in the menu bar at the top of any page.
    • In the ACCOUNT column, use the dropdown to select the Analytics account.
    • that contains the property you want to work with.
    • In the PROPERTY column, use the dropdown to select a property.
      Click Tracking Info.
    • Click Referral Exclusion List.
    • To add a domain, click +ADD REFERRAL EXCLUSION.
    • Enter the Domain name.
    • Click Create to save.Note: The referral exclusion list uses CONTAINS matching. For example, if you enter, then traffic from is also excluded (because the domain name contains